What's All the Hype About Turmeric?

Turmeric: sounds cool, but what even is it?  And why is everyone calling it a superfood?  Turmeric is that bright yellow powder that comes from the roots of the ginger family.  You might see it on roasted vegetables, chicken, or rice, and it gives foods that delicious-looking yellow tint.  Its nutritious properties stem from the fact that it contains curcumin, an antioxidant that helps with decreasing inflammation, cancer, skin problems, and immune system problems.  Remember in my "Antioxidants - Eat the Rainbow!" post when I said antioxidants remove free radicals from the bloodstream?  That's another way of saying they help to reduce inflammation in the body.  And inflammation is the root problem of most chronic diseases today.  SO, add turmeric to any food or drink (just start with a pinch until you acquire a taste for it).  A sample smoothie includes: almond milk, turmeric, carrots, banana, and pineapple.  Quinoa is another popular place to sneak the superfood in.  Combine quinoa, lemon, salt, turmeric, and coconut oil.  Give it a try, and see how your body feels with less free radicals and inflammation!