One Size Does NOT Fit All

Just like one size does not fit all, one diet does not fit all either.  Through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, I've learned the importance of a concept called bio-individuality.  This concept basically means every person is different, and what works for one person will not necessarily work for another person.  Some people tolerate dairy perfectly, while other people become bloated after eating dairy.  Some people are energized after eating animal protein, while other people feel lethargic after eating animal protein.  Whatever the current fad diet is, do not become convinced that it will work for you just because it worked for other people.  Sure, you can give it a try just to see how your body reacts to a different eating pattern, but don't expect the same results as everyone else.  There is no such thing as a miracle diet, a miracle pill, or a "trick" to losing weight or becoming healthier.  Eat what makes YOUR body feel best, and don't worry about what everyone else is doing.  If you feel your best, that's all that matters!