People tend to have a love/hate relationship with running. There's the "runner's high" that comes after it, but there's also the pain in your side, sucking wind feeling that comes with it. I personally do not consider myself a "runner" by any means, but I include running one day per week in my workout routine, and I warm-up with a 5 minute run almost every day. Here's why. Running is a stress relief, it helps you sleep better at night, it increases your metabolism, it increases brain function, it decreases your risk of heart problems, and it boosts your mood. With all of the benefits that come along with running, it's hard for me not to at least include it in small amounts throughout the week. Here's a sample treadmill workout I do once a week (and you can see that it's not simply running for 30 minutes straight, because that would bore me out of my mind): I bump the incline up to 6% and walk for 2 minutes at a 3.5 mph pace, then I do walking lunges for 2 minutes at a 1.0 mph pace, then I jog for 1 minute at a 5.0 mph pace. I continue this pattern until I've been on the treadmill for at least 30 minutes, then I follow with a 10-15 minute ab routine. Sounds doable right? Try it out, and see how you feel the rest of the day!