A lot of people ask me what to eat before and after a workout to reap the most benefits of exercise. The answer is: it completely depends on your body and your goals. Some websites will say to eat mostly carbohydrates and sugar about 1 hour before exercise, and eat mostly protein and fiber about 1 hour after exercise. While overall these are good ways to approach a pre- and post-exericse diet, it is crucial not to base everything off such generalizations. For example, I might eat a piece of whole grain toast with peanut butter and banana before a spin class, but I would eat something like egg whites with spinach before a strength-training workout. Someone trying to lose body fat might eat a handful of berries or almonds before doing cardio in order for his or her body to burn primarily fat instead of carbohydrates or sugar. Someone trying to build muscle might consume a peanut butter protein smoothie after a strength-training session. Every person's body is different, and every person's unique exercise goals are different, so it's no wonder people get so confused by all of the nutritional information out there. Just figure out what YOUR body likes, and eat according to what you want to achieve. If you have any specific questions, don't hesitate to reach out to me, and I'd be glad to help you figure out a potential exercise meal plan!